Replication package

This page contains programs and experimental data used in the bug localization studies conducted at the Opus Research Group, from PUC-Rio.

Project selection

This was the query used to initially select projects from GitHub. (Note that results may change over time, as new projects are added.)

Issues and commits

Issues and commits were downloaded via GitHub API. Each project has one JSON file for issues and one for commits.

Issues (JSON)

Commits (JSON)

A preprocessed version of the issues is also available in XML format.

Preprocessed issues (XML)

Source files

Only preprocessed versions of the source files are available online, as original versions of source files occupy several GB and can be browsed or downloaded directly from GitHub. AutoMapper CefSharp corefx EntityFramework
gitextensions Glimpse Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker ILSpy MahApps.Metro
Mvc Nancy NLog OpenRA orleans
roslyn ShareX SparkleShare VsVim Wox


DataExtractor v1.15

Preprocessor v1.1

Amalgam v3.5

All archives are in 7-Zip format. Click here to download 7-Zip.

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